The star of the upcoming Woody Allen film, Magic In The Moonlight, Emma Stone dropped by the Late Show with David Letterman last night to talk about the film, which is set to be released on July 25. What actually happened, however, is Stone spent most of her segment talking about ghosts.
Yep, that's right. Emma Stone is a believer of paranormal activity. "There's a long family history with quarters," she told Letterman, speaking of a number of inexplicable situations she's had over the years. She, of course, credits the experiences to ghosts ... specifically her late grandfather.
"My grandfather leaves quarters," she explained. "It's just amazing. It's him! It's absolutely him!"
While Stone appeared adamant about the subject, Letterman, on the other hand, seemed to be a bit of a non-believer. "What tangible information makes you think it's from granddad?" he asks.
The Spiderman star kept the topic light, not going into detail, but joking about the length of the details of her story, and ended it with a hilarious, "It's him! You guys, it's him!" Letterman, not being one to let things go, noted, "I would be more fascinated in this topic, not talking about you, if it had ever been proven scientifically. But it has never been established scientifically."
"But that's the joy of it," the actress responded. "It's not a logical thing. It's magical. It's like ectoplasm."
Watch the below video of Stone's appearance on Letterman to figure out what "ectoplasm" is. And try to keep your mind out of the gutter during her description. Please!
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