Top 3 Brother Moments Between Sam and Dean Before Supernatural Season 10

By Andrew Meola | Sep 17, 2014 01:20 PM EDT

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Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, respectively) are in for some serious pain when Supernatural returns for Season 10. Dean has been turned into a demon thanks to the machinations and schemes of Crowley (Mark Sheppard), and poor Sammy has no idea where his brother is or what's happened to him. We're sure he'll take it just fine when he finds out the truth.

The boys have been through Hell (literally) and back since the show began nearly a decade ago, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any easier for them in Season 10. So before we plunge back into the sea of misery that Sam and Dean in which Sam and Dean are sure to find themselves in a few weeks, let's take a look back at some of the happier moments (relatively) in the series when the brothers stood side by side as a team. These are our picks for the top three brotherly moments ahead of the Season 10 premiere.

"I'm proud of us." (Season 9 Finale)

Okay, so this isn't exactly a happy moment (this is Supernatural, after all), but this moment tugged at the heartstrings of many of the show's fans. The brothers had been at odds with each other for much of Season 9 but had found a tentative peace in the finale. Dean promptly gets his ass handed to him by Metatron, and Sam arrives too late to intervene.

Instead, he arrives just in time to see his brother dying. As he cradles his body, Dean finds the strength to tell his brother that for all of the pain and bad blood between them, he's proud of what they have accomplished. They saved people and even saved the world a few times. It was all worth it.

Of course, Dean turned into a demon about 15 minutes later, but let's not dwell on that.

"You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." (Season 2 Finale)

After Sam dies at the hands of Jake, Dean mourns over his brother's body as he questions aloud what he's supposed to do now. He decides to go to the Crossroads and sell his soul to bring Sam back to life in what would be the first of many major sacrifices the brothers have made for each other.

Sam, of course, finds out about this and is furious with Dean for what he did. Dean tries to say it's his job, but Sam correctly points out that it's his job to protect his big brother, too, and that there's nothing he wouldn't do for him. This marked the first of an almost comical number of times the brothers have died and come back to life, but it was also a major turning point in the series.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Sammy." (Season 5 Finale)

This is the one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Sam is literally possessed by Lucifer himself and the world is on the brink of complete destruction. All hope is seemingly lost. But Dean decides to make one more move because if he's going down, then he's going down fighting. He pulls up to the graveyard where Michael and Lucifer are about to fight and demands to speak to his brother.

Lucifer, of course, laughs this off and proceeds to rearrange Dean's face. But Dean just repeats that he loves his brother and that he's not going to leave his side. As Lucifer readies for the killing blow, he catches sight of the inside of the Impala, where the two brothers had shared a lifetime of memories. And all at once, those memories come flooding in, punctuated by a hug between Sam and Dean. Sam wrestles control away from Lucifer and tells his brother everything is going to be all right. He then makes the ultimate sacrifice as their love for each other, quite literally, saved the world.

What was your favorite brotherly moment between Sam and Dean? Let us know your picks in the comments section.

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