'Homeland' Season 4, Episode 3 Spoilers: Carrie Is Back With A Vengeance, Quinn Is In Love...But You'll Never Guess Who It Is With!

By Larry Abuliak (larry.abuliak@mstarsnews.com) | Oct 13, 2014 09:42 AM EDT

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This week's episode of Homeland, titled "Shalwar Kameez," starts off with Carrie of course not following orders as usual and telling her bodyguards to take her to the scene of where Sandy was killed by the mob. She has flashbacks, but nothing more.

We then have Quinn who is being interrogated back at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia because he wants out of the CIA. He is asked if he and Carrie are romantically involved, which drives him to storm out of the room all while his former boss, Dar Adal, is watching.

Back in Pakistan, Carrie arrives at the embassy and finds out there is a lockdown. She goes to the ambassador's office where she finds out she is already being undermined and her guys can't go back in the field right now.

Right after her meeting with the ambassador, Carrie has a meeting with her staff to try and figure out what Sandy was doing outside of the embassy and how he was getting such great intel. In the meeting, one of the staff members, John, tries to undermine Carrie, but she's not having it. She takes him back to her office where they have it out and we come to find out he got the post as chief before her, but it was then taken away from him. They go back and forth with Carrie telling him either help her or he's gone.

In the next scene, Quinn is lounging by the pool talking about quitting his job with the manager of his building, who by the way he's sleeping with. He gets a call from Dar Adal, which he doesn't take. He tells her he doesn't have any degrees to get another job nor any basic job skills. He then gets another call, seemingly from Dar Adal, but he throws his phone in the pool.

We see Carrie enter her apartment in Pakistan and it's freaking nice! They're living large over there. Carrie leaves the embassy and tells her bodyguards to drop her off at a hotel. They're being followed, but they still do what she says. She goes out the back of the hotel where she is still being followed, but manages to get away. She goes through a market and ends up in an office building where we see her old colleagues, Farrah and Max, from Langley there. She apparently doesn't trust her staff at the embassy so she gathered her own team in Pakistan. We find out they're starting a new operation where Farrah will try to approach Aayan, who lost his whole family in the air strike at the wedding, to get him to talk to her, but she's posing as a journalist.

Back in the US, Dar Adal pays a visit to Quinn's apartment. He tells Quinn he knows he's in love with Carrie and that' s why Sandy was killed; Quinn chose to save Carrie over Sandy. Quinn gets irate and almost chokes Dar to death, but stops. Dar apparently loved it and says he knew Quinn wasn't too far gone and leaves. Then surprise...the building manager comes out of Quinn's room with just a sheet on and asks him who that was. He says no one.

Carrie goes out for a run around the embassy and when she comes back she sees Saul's security team arrive. Inside, she's surprised to see Saul himself speaking with the ambassador. Apparently, they go way back. Carrie tells Saul she's not that happy to see him, but asks him if he could get the ambassador to life the lockdown ban. He says it will be done.

Farrah is now in the office of one of the heads of Aayan's medical school to try and talk to Aayan. When Aayan comes in he almost immediately turns the other way and doesn't want to speak to Farrah. She pleads with him, but he already exits the office.

Quinn is in his apartment drinking and watching the footage of the mob that killed Sandy. He has flashbacks to that day and it terrifies him.

Carrie speaks to Farrah and she tells him Aayan refused to speak to her. Carrie tells her that makes him more valuable because someone is trying to shut him up. They have to think of something new to get him.

It's night and Carrie is outside smoking a cigarette when the ambassador comes to smoke with her. The ambassador tells her she and Saul almost got married. She then tells Carrie she ending the lockdown as long as there is more security and she gives her in-person updates. Carrie agrees and it looks like, as the saying goes, it will be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Quinn wakes up from a drunken stupor to find the building manager cleaning up his alcohol. He yells at her to leave, but not before she tells him she overheard his conversation with Dar Adal. Not only did she say she would've stood up for him, but she also wanted him to know Carrie is one lucky girl.

Carrie meets Saul at his hotel where she tells him she wants him to leave so she can go about her work without worrying about him. They talk about what she has planned, but Saul guesses without her saying anything. He tells her his plane is in the morning and she departs.

We then see Aayan studying outside of a café when someone runs to get him because they hear a woman screaming in the bathroom. He runs to her aid, but it's Carrie who tells him she's Farrah's London bureau chief and she wants to tell his story. He tells her he can't talk about it, but she uses her womanly charms to persuade him. She tells him she'll get him out of Pakistan and into a medical school in the US or England if he helps her. She puts her card in his pocket and tells him to call her.

Quinn is in his apartment and watching the mob video again, except this time while watching through different angles, he sees a guy with an earpiece. He immediately calls Carrie and tells her he sent her the link to watch. She watches it with him and he says they never had a chance because it must have been coordinated. They don't know by whom, but they guess it's Pakistani intelligence. Carrie tells him this changes everything and she know needs him more than ever. After a little prodding, Quinn agrees to come and help her out with her at the end saying "I f***ing love you." He hangs up and while she has a big smile on her face sitting down to eat, he is sitting in him living room contemplating what's going to happen.

This season is definitely gaining momentum. After a lackluster third season, this is a huge improvement. We can't wait till next week! We're also happy at the prospect of Carrie and Quinn getting together, which is much better than her and Brody. More Quinn shirtless scenes wouldn't hurt either!

What do you think of the prospect of Carrie and Quinn getting together?

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