Monday Night Raw Results 10/13/14: WWE Raw Recap October 13, 2014: John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose in Contract on a Pole Match

By Andrew Meola | Oct 13, 2014 11:14 PM EDT

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The October 13, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta and begins with Dean Ambrose, who says he can't wait to rip apart Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell.

But before he can do that, he has to go through John Cena. He promises to take him out and then move onto Rollins. Cena comes out and tells Ambrose he should use the two weeks before the pay-per-view to get ready for the biggest match of his career. Ambrose sarcastically thanks him and says he has wanted to kick his ass for a while. He drops his microphone and gets ready to fight.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out and book an on-the-spot Triple Threat Tag Team match that pits Cena and Ambrose against The Usos and the WWE Tag Team Champions, Goldust and Stardust. They also bet the two will rip each other apart before the night ends.

Ambrose and Cena win the match when they hit their finishers on the Dust Brothers. Triple H and Stephanie come out and HHH gives his wife a dollar. He then announces that Ambrose and Cena will face each other tonight in a No Holds Barred Contract on a Pole Match.

AJ Lee and Layla defeat Paige and Alicia Fox despite Layla abandoning AJ when she tries to tag her into the match. AJ goes after Layla after the match, tosses her into the barricade and skips away.

Randy Orton comes into the Authority's office and says he will destroy Dolph Ziggler tonight. He then says Rollins can't beat Cena or Ambrose and demands a match in the main event of Hell in a Cell with the loser of tonight's match. The Authority agrees.

The Wyatt Family video of Erick Rowan airs.

Ziggler faces Orton with Cesaro on commentary. The Viper is at a disadvantage for much of the early portion of the match. Rollins comes out and watches the match from the ramp. Orton wins with a magnificent RKO. Rollins gets inside the ring and Curb Stomps Ziggler.

Rollins faces Jack Swagger and gets the win with a roll up. Orton, who had come out halfway through the match to watch from ringside, comes into the ring, RKOs Swagger and stares down Rollins.

Renee Young interviews Dean Ambrose, who promises that he will send Rollins and Cena to hell.

Tom Phillips interviews Big Show, who talks about knocking out Rusev. He says the Bulgarian Brute is not unbeatable and promises to put the weight of 318 million Americans on his shoulders.

Rusev and Lana come out to do their usual anti-USA routine and Rusev taunts Big Show. He says the giant will fail just like Mark Henry did. The match begins and Bg Show is in control early. Rusev comes back and eventually locks in the Accolade. Mark Henry comes out and tries to cheer on Show, but Rusev knocks him off the apron. He locks the Accolade in again but Henry smashes him to cause the DQ. Henry checks on his friend and the two argue briefly but work it out. The Russian flag drops and Rusev celebrates, but the two behemoths move in on him. Rusev goes after Henry but Show hits the Bulgarian Brute with the KO Punch.

Renee Young interviews Sheamus, who says the only thing worse than one Miz is two. He says he has a Brogue Kick for each of them.

The Miz (w/Damien Mizdow) defeats Sheamus by countout.

The Total Divas walk up to NeNe Leakes locker room. More Total Divas walk up, they exchange words and then they leave.

Brie Bella, Natalya and Naomi (w/Rosa Mendes and NeNe Leakes) defeat Nikki Bella, Summer Rae and Cameron when Brie hits her finisher on Nikki and pins her.

Renee Young interviews Cena, who hypes the match between the brightest young star in the WWE and "the guy who runs the place."

Another Wyatt Family video package airs, and this one focuses on Bray Wyatt.

The Authority comes out to watch the main event, as do Rollins, Orton and Kane. Ambrose has chances to grab the case but he decides to just beat the tar out of Cena and takes a swing at Orton. Cena throws Ambrose into the trio and goes for the contract, but Orton stops him. All five men start to brawl and Ambrose snags the contract when Cena plants Kane with an Attitude Adjustment. He even takes a moment to do the "you can't see me" move before he grabs the contract. Cena applauds him.

Ambrose stares down Rollins, who is on the stage, while Cena and Orton lock eyes as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode of Monday Night Raw? Let us know in the comments section.

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