Google Glass Banned In Movie Theaters: MPAA & NATO Take Hardline Against New Technology

By Jon Niles | Oct 30, 2014 11:54 AM EDT

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There are plenty of great uses for Google Glass ranging from hands-free photography to new advances in teaching. Unfortunately, there are also some features on the glass that could technically be illegal-namely wearing them in movie theaters and pirating films. Do to this new technology and how easy it would be to do such a thing, he Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) this week announced that Google Glass is officially banned from all movie theaters nation-wide.

According to Slash Film, the two organizations updated their anti-theft clauses stating that theaters will have "a zero-tolerance policy toward using any recording device while movies are being shown." The website reports:

All such devices must be turned off and put away before the film begins. Patrons who refuse to stow their tech may be asked to leave, and those who are actually caught recording will be reported to law enforcement "when appropriate."

Check out this Google Glass promotional video while you think about this new law:

What do you think of this news about Google Glass being banned from movie theaters? Do you agree or disagree with the ban? Let us know in the comments section below!

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