How WWE Can Avoid Bungling the Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose Feud After 'Hell in a Cell'

By Andrew Meola | Oct 30, 2014 03:35 PM EDT

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After months of chasing and interference, Dean Ambrose finally had Seth Rollins right where he wanted him. The two former Shield brothers had demolished each other inside Hell in a Cell, but Ambrose was still standing. He prepared to do to Rollins what Mr. Money in the Bank had done to him months earlier and drive his head through cinderblocks.

But that's when it happened. The lights went out and a mysterious voice (speaking either in Latin or backwards) filled the arena. The cinderblocks vanished and in their place stood a single lantern. Smoke rose from the lantern and an image of a robed figure flickered inside the vapor. A confused and almost entranced Ambrose stared at the image until Bray Wyatt appeared in the ring and laid him out, which allowed Rollins to limply crawl over and pin Ambrose.

The next major feud for WWE's fastest rising star was set. Ambrose would now turn his attention to the enigmatic Wyatt in a feud that has the potential to be one of the best WWE has produced in a long, long time. Two of WWE's youngest and brightest stars would square off seemingly for the next few months.

Of course, this is WWE, so fans immediately started imagining all the ways the company could fumble the ball here and deliver an unsatisfying and disappointing story. Let me just state for the record that I think this will be terrific. My confidence in the two performers is enough to alleviate any concerns I have about the management of the story.

But there are definitely some pitfalls WWE needs to avoid in telling this story, and the biggest one is on the stick. Both men are absolutely brilliant on the microphone. Wyatt is creepy as all hell. His intonation, inflection and cadence are worthy of a horror movie villain. And, if some reports are true, he writes his own material and submits it to the higher-ups. That's dedication to his craft.

Ambrose, on the other hand, is downright entertaining every time he opens his mouth. The clash in styles is wonderful because each man stirs a different emotion in the viewer. But a problem is going to arise if neither man says anything of substance. This is especially an issue for Bray, who spins eloquent, chilling promos but never actually makes a point.

On Monday Night Raw this week, he failed to explain why he attacked Ambrose. He offered some vague reasoning that they're "the same," but that doesn't mean anything. He needs to say, straight out, "I attacked you because of X, Y and Z." It might feel out of place for the character, but it's better than a series of enigmatic phrases and stories. For those of you who like to compare Bray to the Undertaker, consider that the Phenom could get cryptic when necessary, but he also didn't mince words. His motivations were always clear.

This is less of a problem for Ambrose because he speaks in regular, human words, and right now he's the one asking the questions rather than providing the answers. All he has to do is continue his quest to find out why Wyatt stuck his nose into his business. Once he finds out, he can then shift his focus to ripping Bray apart. The onus is on Wyatt to propel the story forward.

Despite the possible problems, this is poised to be an excellent feud that could run for months, if not longer. Both men are beloved by fans and have all the tools to deliver a memorable story.

How do you envision this story unfolding? Let us know in the comments section.

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