Rapper The Game Slams Instagram Follower For Calling Daughter Ugly, Super Dad Defends Cali

By Mereb Gebremariam (m.gebremariam@mstarsnews.com) | Jan 05, 2015 01:14 PM EST

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If anyone knows rapper The Game, then you know that he is completely obsessed with his daughter, Cali. Unfortunately, for one follower who decided to attack the child's beauty, they were responded with some harsh words.

The rapper posted a photo of his 4-year old along with the caption, "The LOVE of mylife. And can't nobody take her place."

Instagram follower Shanice_romero decided to fire an insult commenting, "Ugly baby lol."

Shortly, the rapper fired back, "My baby ugly? Bitch please & I don't usually do this but I went on your page & your son is one twinkie away from Down Syndrome & you ain't the cutest crayon in the box ya self. Happy New Year Slut... Learn to keep ya mouth & ya leg closed bitch."

After the brief feud, the rapper uploaded more photos of him with his lovely family and several videos of his precious princess. Check them out here:

My world. #MerryChristmas A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Dec 12, 2014 at 5:24pm PST

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