WWE NXT Takeover Rival Results: Did Sami Zayn Retain NXT Championship Against Kevin Owens?

By Andrew Meola | Feb 11, 2015 10:30 PM EST

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The latest WWE NXT live special, NXT Takeover: Rival, emanates live from Full Sail University and the WWE Network and begins with Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze. Breeze has a fake fur selfie stick and a female fan attacks him, which causes security to intervene.

Hideo defeats Tyler with a nasty kick.

General Manager William Regal talks to Kevin Owens backstage.

Baron Corbin defeats Bull Dempsey in a No Disqualification Match when Dempsey goes to whack him with a chair, only to run into the End of Days. Corbin unfolds the chair, sits down in the middle of the ring, and rolls Dempsey away with his foot.

Regal talks to Sami Zayn backstage.

Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy retain the NXT Tag Team Championships against The Lucha Dragons. Solomon Crowe hacks into the feed after the match and tells us to stay tuned next week.

Finn Balor defeats Adrian Neville to become the No. 1 Contender to the NXT Championship in an absolutely superb match. Balor counters the Red Arrow twice, kicks Neville into the corner, and then ends it with the double foot stomp off the top rope. The two men shake hands after the bell.

Sasha Banks defeats Charlotte, Bayley, and Becky Lynch to become the new NXT Women's Champion. Charlotte takes a Bayley-to-Belly off the top rope, but Sasha comes in and locks in the crossface. Charlotte nearly reaches the rope, but Sasha rolls her up for the pin. After the bell, Charlotte extends her hand to the new champion. The two hug, but Sasha shoves Charlotte away and leaves.

Kevin Owens defeats Sami Zayn by referee stoppage to become the new NXT Champion. The finish features Zayn diving off the top rope onto Owens outside the ring but banging his own head off the ramp in the process. He gets Owens back in the ring and tries for the Helluva Kick, but he's so dizzy that he can't even run across the ring. Owens catches him with a powerbomb, but Zayn kicks out. Medical personnel come out to check on Zayn, but Owens powerbombs him four more times. The referee finally pulls Owens off, rings the bell, and awards him the title. Owens poses with the belt over Zayn, who is getting checked on by medical personnel, as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of NXT Takeover: Rival? Let us now in the comments section.

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