Monday Night Raw Results 4/20/15: WWE Recap April 20, 2015: Extreme Rules Go-Home Show Featuring Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler and RKOs Galore

By Andrew Meola | Apr 20, 2015 11:18 PM EDT

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The April 20, 2015 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Times Union Center in Albany and begins with a steel cage lowering onto the ring as Randy Orton heads toward the squared circle.

Orton says Seth Rollins is stupid for banning the RKO in their match on Sunday at Extreme Rules. Orton claims he doesn't need the RKO to win. Instead, he will break Rollins' jaw and ribs, ram him face-first into the cage, and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Rollins comes out and says Orton has anger problems. He mocks Orton and the Albany crowd and says he plays the game better than anyone. He will become the greatest WWE World Heavyweight Champion in history. Rollins calls Orton a lock for the Hall of Fame, but Rollins claims he is all that and more. And at Extreme Rules, Rollins will make sure Orton does not walk out of the cage.

Orton, in return, promises to RKO every person backstage and then Rollins before the night ends.

Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper ends in a double count out as they just beat the tar out of each other around the stage.

Backstage, J&J Security escorts Rollins when they get jumped by the Primetime Players. Rollins gets paranoid and screams at a production crew member and nearly at Triple H. Rollins says he will handle Orton and then asks about Kane. Hunter tells him to chill out and adds Kane will be dealt with soon. Rollins wants more security for Orton, and Triple H says Orton is just one man.

The New Day defeat The Lucha Dragons and move on to compete for the WWE Tag Team Championships at Extreme Rules. Randy Orton comes out and RKOs Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston, while Big E. flees.

Fandango defeats Curtis Axel with the top rope leg drop.

Triple H hits the ring and says last year, they found the future in Seth Rollins. Now, we need to find the next Seth Rollins, so Tough Enough will return on June 23rd on the USA Network. He tells fans to submit their videos to, and one man and one woman will receive contracts when all is said and done.

Kane comes out, and Triple H jokes that he has too much experience to be on Tough Enough. Kane says he is sick of Rollins, whom he deems not worth Triple H's time, and gives his two-week notice. Triple H tries to talk him out of it, and an angry Rollins comes out. Triple H says Kane is the most loyal person in the Authority and names him the "Guardian of the Gate." Rollins complains, but Hunter tells them to unite. They shake hands tentatively and Rollins leaves.

Backstage, Kane and Rollins argue and Triple H intervenes. Hunter tells Kane his hellfire and brimstone are gone because he is a suit now. Kane says he will prove him wrong. Triple H then turns to Rollins and books him in a match against Dolph Ziggler later in the night. Rollins promises to destroy him and prove that he is the man.

Naomi cuts a promo before her match with Brie Bella and says she will do whatever she wants. Naomi beats Brie with the Rear View.

Backstage at catering, Heath Slater annoys Erick Rowan, who leaves. Orton then RKOs Slater.

Roman Reigns comes out and says he does not want to talk. He wants to fight Big Show now. Bo Dallas comes out instead and calls Reigns a bust, the Tim Tebow of the WWE. Bo tells him to Bolieve, which only causes Roman to tag him with a Superman Punch and a spear. Reigns says he will be the Last Man Standing at Extreme Rules, and we can "Bolieve that."

Sheamus defeats Zack Ryder by disqualification when he Brogue Kicks him five seconds into the match. Sheamus does running commentary on the mic throughout the match and lands a second Brogue Kick. As he sets up for a third, Dolph Ziggler comes out and Zig Zags him.

John Cena comes out and talks about his Russian Chain match with Rusev on Sunday. He explains that the rules are just like a strap match in which you must touch all four corners of the ring consecutively. He then says he will still do the open challenge tonight for the United States Championship.

Kane answers the challenge, and Cena eventually reverses a Tombstone into an Attitude Adjustment for the win.

An upset Kane walks away backstage and glares at Triple H as he does so.

Renee Young interviews The Miz about his match with Damien Mizdow later. Miz says Mizdow is a joke and then hypes his movie, The Marine 4. Renee then throws to Byron Saxton, who interviews Cena. The U.S. Champion promises he will win Sunday when Rusev attacks him with a chain. He locks in the Accolade with said chain.

The Miz defeats Damien Mizdow for the rights to the Miz name when Summer Rae rakes Mizdow's eyes, which allows Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale. Randy Orton comes out and RKOs Miz after the match.

Bray Wyatt cuts another enigmatic promo on his mystery target.

Ryback squashes Adam Rose and then takes out some Rosebuds with a double Shellshock.

Backstage, Renee Young interviews Kane, who just walks away to confront Triple H, Rollins, and J&J Security. They start to argue, but Rollins apologizes and dedicates his match against Ziggler to Kane.

Seth Rollins defeats Dolph Ziggler when Sheamus distracts him. Rollins brags after the match and Triple H calls him "the man who will beat Randy Orton." Kane comes out, and Rollins summons the cage for protection. Orton manages to worm his way into the cage and RKOs Rollins before he can escape, and the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's show? Let us know in the comments section.

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