Owen Wilson Says “Wow” in Most of His Movies: Video Goes Viral!

May 11, 2015 11:53 AM EDT

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After watching this, we're curious if actor Owen Wilson has a note in his contract that says he must be able to say "wow" in all of his films, including MIdnight in Paris, Hall Pass and the cult classic Zoolander. Or, maybe it's just how he improvises. Or, it's a coincidence. Or, screenwriters purposely put "wow" into every Owen Wilson role. Whatever it is, we're praying it keeps happening because it is incredible.

The below video is an edit of a large amount of Owen Wilson films, cut perfectly to scenes in which the brother to Luke Wilson says ... you guessed it ... "Wow!" in that very Owen Wilson way.

Take a looksee over on YouTube or at the below tweet from The Office star Rainn Wilson.

Wow. Just ... wow.

Unsurprisingly, the video has completely taken the Internet by storm, having been picked up by several publications, including Time magazine. 

And because we can't help but love Wilson, check out this recent appearance promoting the upcoming film Zoolander 2. Will there be a "wow" involved? We can only hope.

Again, we have one thing to say – wow.


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