Monday Night Raw Results 7/13/15: NXT Women Debut, Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins Contract Signing

By Andrew Meola | Jul 13, 2015 11:16 PM EDT

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The July 13, 2015 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta and serves as the go-home show for Battleground with a contract signing between Brock Lesnar and champion Seth Rollins.

The show begins with Lesnar and Paul Heyman. The Advocate talks about how rare Sunday will be given that Lesnar will enter the ring as a challenger. He talks about victories over Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Randy Couture, and John Cena and describes in detail what Lesnar will do to Rollins on Sunday. The champ comes out and, after flubbing his words a bit, boasts that he is angry and he will put down the Beast at Battleground by burning Suplex City to the ground. Kane then comes out and says there will be a contract signing later tonight, which Heyman mocks. Kane warns Lesnar about breaking the rules, and Heyman quips that the Undertaker's baby brother is threatening them. He says Lesnar will behave himself unless Rollins provokes The Beast.

Randy Orton and Ryback defeat Sheamus and Big Show with The Miz on commentary. Miz eventually gets involved in the match and Show chases him backstage. Orton then RKOs Sheamus, and Ryback splashes him for the pin.

Seth Rollins and Kane are backstage fretting about the contract signing. Kane says he has a plan, but Rollins is doubtful. Kane tells him to get on board or else it's going to get ugly for them.

Dean Ambrose comes out for his match with Bray Wyatt, but Roman Reigns appears behind Wyatt and beats the tar out of him. He nails him with a Superman Punch, but Wyatt recovers and smashes Reigns with the lantern.

Nikki Bella comes out with Brie Bella and talks about her 232-day reign as Divas Champion. She says The Bellas rule the Divas division. Stephanie McMahon comes out and points out that she owns WWE, so the legacy of the company, which includes the Divas division, is in her hands. She says the division has not had enough true competition for a while, so it's time to fix that.

Stephanie brings out Paige. Nikki complains about this, but Stephanie explains that she wanted Paige out in the ring. Steph points out that Paige has not had any reinforcements until now. She introduces Becky Lynch and Charlotte! The three women hug, but Tamina Snuka and Naomi interrupt them. But Stephanie evens the playing field when she brings out NXT Women's Champion Sasha Banks! The crowd is loudly chanting "This is awesome!" and a fight breaks out among the eight women. Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky each lock in their submission holds. They toss out The Bella Twins and a stare down closes out the segment.

The Prime Time Players and Mark Henry defeat The New Day when Henry counters Xavier Woods' Honor Roll into a World's Strongest Slam.

R-Truth defeats King Barrett yet again. After the match, he calls himself King What's Up.

John Cena comes out for his United States Championship Open Challenge. Rusev answers the call and says he is the greatest U.S. Champion of all time and he would still have the belt if not for Lana. Kevin Owens then comes out and says if anyone is going to beat Cena for the title, it's going to be him. So he wants to do that right now and then give Cena his rematch at Battleground. Rusev tells him he was here first, but Owens shoots back that he should take his "Lana wannabe" Summer Rae and go away. They argue for a bit until Cesaro comes out and gets right in Cena's face. The champ backs out of the ring and lets the three men figure this out among themselves.

When we come back from commercial break, we learn that the three men are in a Triple Threat match and the winner will face Cena tonight for the title. Eventually, Owens gets fed up, leaves the match, and says he'll see Cena on Sunday. After a lengthy and stellar match, Rusev defeats Cesaro with a superkick.

The United States Championship match begins and Cena dominates an exhausted Rusev. After the usual set up, Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rusev counters into the Accolade. Cena tries to fight out of it but Rusev keeps it locked in and the champ is in major trouble. Kevin Owens then comes out and kicks Rusev in the head to cause the disqualification. He drops Rusev with a Pop Up Powerbomb and then yells at Cena that he is the only one who will take the title from him.

Backstage, Rollins asks Kane if everything is set up, and Kane says it's all under control. Rollins says this plan better work, or else.

WWE Hall of Famer Lita comes out and introduces the cast of this season of Tough Enough.

Stardust cuts a promo on Neville and talks about falling heroes (perhaps a reference to Stephen Amell of Arrow). We see a match graphic that looks like it belongs in a comic book, and it's actually pretty cool. He then beats Neville when he reverses a roll-up and hooks the tights.

Rollins comes out with Kane for the contract signing and says he is not afraid of Brock Lesnar. He'll burn Suplex City to the ground and stand in its ashes as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Heyman and Lesnar come out and Heyman spins some more of his usual brilliance. Rollins signs the contract, and Lesnar follows suit. Heyman thinks Rollins has a plan and yells at him to put his hands on the table, but the champion calls him paranoid.

Lesnar abruptly flips the table and finds an axe handle underneath it. A frightened Rollins backs up the ropes and slinks down in his chair. He lets Rollins grab the weapon and then smashes the table into his face. Kane tries to attack Lesnar, but Lesnar takes him out and suplexes Rollins. The champ tries to go over the top rope but Lesnar catches him. Kane recovers and hits Lesnar, and he and Rollins take the Beast down with the steel steps. Rollins tries to Pedigree him on the steps, but Lesnar counters. Kane goes for a chokeslam, but Lesnar counters into an F5. Rollins runs away like a cartoon character, so Lesnar destroys Kane's ankle with the stairs. Lesnar goes back in the ring and poses with the belt.

Lesnar and Heyman leave, and Rollins throws a hissy fit in the ring. He grabs the mic and says Lesnar has thought he was untouchable from Day 1, but he has not been able to run through Rollins. He'll prove in six days that Lesnar is just a man, and he'll be forever known as the man who slayed the Beast. As he leaves, he sees medical personnel checking on Kane. He taunts Kane about his plan and calls his career one big disappointment. Rollins says Kane is nothing without him, and now he is nothing at all. He literally kicks Kane while he's down and storms off. He hoists the title on the stage as the show goes off the air.

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