The beloved "Twilight" movie franchise ultimately spawned Robsten (the whirlwind romance between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson). The relationship was doomed once Stewart was caught cheating with "Snow White and the Huntsman" film director, Rupert Sanders. But now that several years have passed, is 29-year-old Pattinson willing to join his ex-lover back on the big screen for a shocking Edward and Bella reunion?
Well, maybe!
In a recent interview with Elle France, the "Maps to the Stars" heartthrob said "why not" when asked if he'd work on another flick based on Stephenie Meyer popular vampire series. But what about K-Stew?
"I preferred not to broach the subject."
Perhaps Pattinson's current fiancee FKA Twigs would have to replace the 25-year-old starlet's role. But how weird would that be, MstarsNews readers?
Really, anything could happen - Stewart once admitted that she'd be open to another "Twilight" reboot, too:
"I was so genuinely, heavily entrenched in that, and not in a way that felt like an obligation... Even though after the first one, which stood alone, it lasted a long time. It's hard to speak to a five-year period in a few sentences, but I loved doing it. But that doesn't mean I want to keep doing it. But if other people? Yeah, sure. To be honest with you: I would be interested. I'd be kind of fascinated, but it wouldn't emotionally affect me one way or the other" (via
Pattinson also referred to the opportunity as a "happy accident" since he now maintains a close friendship with David Cronenberg.
So if Taylor Lautner played the middle man between Stewart and Pattinson, could a "Twilight" follow-up truly happen? Sound-off in the comments section below!
Apparently, Pattinson continues delaying his wedding - will these fresh rumors simply add further strain on his future with the 27-year-old English songstress?
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