6 Evil Comic Book Villains Who Terrified TV Viewers - Zoom From 'The Flash' Tops the List

By Nobelle Borines | Jan 01, 2016 10:34 PM EST

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Some comic book villains are just scarier than just about anyone on TV today, like Vincent D'Onofrio's wounded monster, Wilson Fisk, and the mind controlling Kilgrave played by former Doctor Who star David Tennant. Here is a list that remembers the most terrifying comic book characters that have horrified TV viewers with memorable acts of terror.

Zoom (Tony Todd) from The Flash

Todd is already known for playing iconic movie and TV characters and The Flash needed a very convincing actor to play Barry Allen's new Season 2 nemesis, so this is a no-brainer for The CW. The result is one of the most horrifying villains to ever appear on TV.

Zoom is relatively scary in the comic books but as a villain hunting Speedsters in The Flash, he is terrifying as he sends his lackeys from Earth-2 to get Barry. When all else fails, he sets out to defeat The Flash himself and makes a grand gesture out of it by parading the injured Barry around Central City.

So far, Zoom has only committed a few horrible acts in The Flash, which includes the abduction of Earth-2 Harrison Wells' daughter. However, his vicious attack on Barry was the one scene that terrified viewers into believing that Barry will never be the same again.

The Governor (David Morrissey) from The Walking Dead

Before there was Negan, who is destined to be one of the most terrifying villains on TV, there was the Governor. Although he started out as a well-meaning character on the show, the Governor had done some horrible acts in the comic books. After capturing Michonne, he repeatedly raped her to get her to give up the location of Rick's group. Michonne eventually escaped the torture, but not before disfiguring the Governor for what he did, because seriously, who wouldn't?

The torture of Michonne wasn't featured in the show, but this doesn't mean that he didn't do anything disgusting in the AMC series. The Governor's most cruel and unbearably heart-breaking act was the beheading of Hershel in front of Rick's group, which included the old man's two screaming daughters. In the end, it wasn't Rick or any member of his group who killed the Governor but his lover who trusted him in keeping her daughter safe. It wasn't a fully satisfying death but fans were collectively relieved that the group was free of the Governor.

Deathstroke (Manu Bennett) from Arrow

Slade Wilson is a force to reckon with in the DC comic books, and although he is better known as an enemy of Batman, Deathstroke proved to be a formidable adversary for Oliver Queen. After all, he taught Oliver everything he knew while they were on Lian Yu. However, things didn't go so well when they were reunited in Arrow Season 2.

After taking a Japanese super-soldier formula, the stronger Slade loses his mind and becomes a dangerous creature that wouldn't stop coming for Oliver. Dissatisfied with murdering Oliver's mother, he decides to wipe out the millionaire's wealth and invade his city with an army of rabid soldiers. Although the Green Arrow manages to defeat him, Deathstroke returned to terrorize Oliver and his sister Thea, an act that had a lasting effect on Speedy.

Kilgrave (David Tennant) from Marvel's Jessica Jones

The Purple Man is certainly one of Marvel's most powerful villains because he can control minds, but it's pretty difficult to be threatened by someone who is almost the same shade as everyone's favorite TV dinosaur. However, the Netflix series has transformed Kilgrave into a dangerous TV villain.

Jessica Jones decided to keep Kilgrave's love for purple clothing and saved the purple skin (or a quick glimpse of it, anyway) for the last few episodes when the character was reaching his final form. Although Tennant's villain had a more refined look than he does in the comic books, his actions are decidedly just as horrifying.

He orders everyone in a police station to aim guns at each other and makes Luke Cage go after Jessica. However, it is his first appearance in the show that displays his chilling nature, he convinces an entire family that he is their guest and locks two terrified children in a closet. It doesn't matter that Kilgrave's weakness is Jessica Jones herself; it's what he does to get to her that makes him so scary.

Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) from Daredevil

Kingpin is already one of the scariest Marvel villains in the world of comic books, but then, Netflix decided to cast D'Onofrio to portray Fisk and elevated him into SUPER supervillain status.

D'Onofrio displayed a different side to Fisk that may have convinced viewers who don't know about the character that Matt may have been mistaken about the art-loving villain with a painful childhood. However, when a Russian mobster embarrasses him in front of the woman he is pursuing, Fisk loses his cool and decides to punish the man with his fists, his feet and the front door of his vehicle.

Matt and his team may have taken down Fisk in the first season, but the villain didn't go down without a tremendous fight that could mean that we haven't seen the last of him. One of the most terrifying things about Fisk is the possibility that he could find a way to get back at Hell Kitchen's Daredevil at any second.

Which comic book villain is the scariest TV character for you? Let us know in the comments.

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