After learning that Porsha Williams was once again arrested, this time for speeding with a suspended license, the Dish Nation host has some explaining she wants to do. According to Dish Nation, Porsha's statement read: "I was headed to visit my grandfather who is very ill with cancer in the hospital, and I was pulled over. I was wrong for speeding absolutely and apologize for putting anyone at risk. I tried to explain the situation to the officer and show him that all my paperwork was in order, but he refused. Handcuffs are not comfortable or a good look for anyone. I was released, I have my license, my car, and my freedom." Despite Porsha's arrest, she seems to be unmoved by doing time behind bars. In the Instagram post below, Porsha captions the photo, "It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood luv ya #TeamPorsha #TeamBlessedBookedAndUnbothered." Read More »