Ray Rice, Roger Goodell & Marion Barber: NFL The Most Violent & Dangerous Sport: Closing In On 1,000 Arrests In 14-Year Spell: Will Commissioner Fix It Or Hide From It?

By Kenneth Brown | Sep 09, 2014 01:54 PM EDT

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The NFL is in chaos only one week in to its 2015 season. For years it's been one of the world's most enjoyable sports to watch, yet everyone's noticed a lot of its player are of a violent nature, but it was usually brushed under the carpet. However, reports from USA Today, show that the NFL has now had 713 arrests since the year 2000, showing that commissioner Roger Goodell has a serious problem that he needs to address. With all of the talk about Ray Rice and Marion Barber, people are starting to question, why is the NFL so violent as it closes in on 1,000 arrests?

If we were to address each arrest in 2014, we'd be here all day, showing the problem NFL has on its hands. Lately, all of the talk has been about Rice, who attacked his wife-to-be, with video footage emerging yesterday, showing him knock her out. He was instantly cut by the Baltimore Ravens, and will face much more punishment that remains to be seen. Just as the NFL are looking to forget about this, former NFL running back Barber is in trouble, too.

With problem after problem, it makes one wonder, what's wrong? Is the NFL a violent sport, or are they letting uneducated criminals in to their league? Barber has now been accused of bringing a loaded handgun in to church, showing it to many of the churchgoers. The 31-year-old was arrested in June, and tested mentally, with cops suggesting he seemed "out of it" when they went to arrest him. Could the players be using the NFL as an excuse, or could the NFL quite literally be knocking their sense out of them with every hard hit and crunching challenge?

The NFL needs to find answers, especially as it's something no other sport has been through. Sooner or later, they're going to have to play flag football, or be very careful about who they let in to the National Football League.

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