WWE Rumors: John Cena's Advice to Roman Reigns, Divas Division, Eva Marie

By Andrew Meola | Apr 23, 2015 06:52 PM EDT

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The latest round of WWE rumors deals with John Cena, Roman Reigns, Eva Marie, and the Divas division. As always, these are just rumors, so please treat them as such.

First, John Cena spoke to talkSPORT, which asked him what advice he would have for Roman Reigns, who has been the recipient of some abuse from a portion of the fan base:

"The advice I have for Roman is just be yourself because at this point if you try to change who you are to cater to the audience, especially the audience that is chanting, they will eat you alive. Over the 13 years I've been here in WWE, I get more obscure chants than anyone else. But the fans know I love this, they know I show up all the time for all the events, they know I put my life on the line, they know I pour my heart out and although they chant I think there is - or I'd like to hope there is, anyway - that underlying respect there. He will be fine as long as he remains true to who he is. If Roman tries to change who he is or tries to redefine himself that authenticity will be gone so he just needs to stay the course and keep doing well."

Next, we have two pieces of news about the Divas division. Former WWE writer Kevin Eck posted on his blog about the state of the division and dropped the following line about his experience with the company regarding the females:

"We actually were told that there really are no babyfaces or heels in the Divas division. It was strongly implied that the Divas are all just a bunch of catty chicks, most of whom are mentally unstable."

If true, then that's a horrifying look into what the higher-ups at WWE think about their female employees.

In more uplifting news, fans may have seen videos of the much-maligned Eva Marie training with The Brian Kendrick and working on her moveset. To her credit, the red-headed beauty has seemingly improved remarkably and is clearly putting in the work to get better in the ring, so best of luck to her.

The interesting part is what Bryan Alvarez of The Wrestling Observer had to say about the podcast. "Eva Marie was formally requested by talent relations to upload videos of herself wrestling for the audience to cheer for her when she returns."

Here's hoping it works, because she's clearly taking this seriously.

What do you think of these rumors? Let us know in the comments section.

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